First Name

    Last Name

    Primary Street Address






    1. Give a brief outline of your practice. Give some background about your artistic concerns and interests. (maximum 1500 characters)

    2. Give a detailed and clear description of your plan of activities, and include how many days your travel will take. Let us know first where you will go, when you want to go, what you want to see or do, and who you want to to see or connect with. If you are planning to attend an event or exhibition let us know what the significance of this event is. For clarity, you may want to include a simple itinerary list. (maximum 1500 characters)

    3. Give a brief description of why you want to undertake this travel. What is the significance of the travel destination or event for you as an artist. How will you benefit from visiting this destination or event. Let us know if you will have the opportunity to meet individuals who can benefit your practice. What will be the impact upon your practice as an artist when you return to Kentucky. (maximum 1500 characters)

    4. Provide a clear and realistic itemized budget that details travel, lodging and meal costs, and other related expenses. When considering costs for flights and hotels or AirBnB, think about what would be realistic if you were spending your own money and use this as a guide in your request. If you are using funds from other sources as well, let us know as this will help the reviewer understand your request more clearly. The budget is a key aspect of your application because it shows what resources you need and how they will be used. The reviewer will look at your budget to determine if your activities have been well thought out, and if they are realistic. They will also refer to your budget when recommending funding amounts for awarded grants.

    For example budgets, see the Notes For Applicant page.

    Detailed Travel Cost Description

    Total Travel Costs $

    Detailed Lodging Cost Description

    Total Lodging Costs $

    Detailed Meal Cost Description
    Total Meal Costs $

    Detailed Other Costs Description
    Total Other Costs $

    Any other Funding you are to receive?
    Total Other Funding $


    Attach Current Resume (pdf / 1mb max)

    Attach .pdf file of up to 10 images and info pertaining to each (4 mb max). See EXAMPLE: Note: If you get a X in a red box, you may have exceeded the 4mb file limit.


    • We advise you to compose your answers to questions 1, 2, and 3 before copying and pasting them into the application.
    • In part 4 detail items using the different fields for travel, lodging, meals, and other costs. Add the total for each category into the relevant total field.
    • If applicable, there is also a box where you can detail funding you are receiving from other sources toward this travel.
    • The final “Total” box will automatically calculate the amount of grant you are requesting.

    Additional Documents:

    • One Page CV: please submit in .pdf form (please use Arial font 12 pt.).
    • PDF Image List: please submit one document containing 10 images of the applicant’s recent work.
      • Images should be 300dpi inside the PDF.
      • Please include:
        • Titles, Date, Medium, and Dimensions for each image
        • If necessary you may include a description if necessary to describe the
        • If your work is on a large or small scale you should demonstrate this in the submitted images.
        • If there is an optical illusion or other sort of visual element in the work that requires clarity, you may provide a short description to explain.

    Note: Be sure that, before submitting your application, you have thoroughly read through our Notes For Applicants page.