Rounding the Circle: The Legacy of Mary and Al Shands is now available!



March 16, 2017

Great Meadows Foundation announces first Curator Travel Grants awards

Great Meadows Foundation is pleased to announce its first Curator Travel Grants awards to independent curators Sara Soltau and Aaron Rosenblum; Joey Yates, Curator at KMAC in Louisville;  and Daniel Pfaltzgraf, Curator at The Carnegie Center for Art & History in New Albany, Indiana. The grants will support professional contemporary art curators to travel to important conferences and exhibitions, to gather new knowledge and skills, build partnerships, and promote the interests of art in Kentucky […]
January 25, 2017

Artist Professional Development Grant Awards, January 2017

Great Meadows Foundation is pleased to announce the award of 18 grants to artists in the Kentucky region through the Artist Professional Development Grants program. Supporting artists from across the state, the grants will enable recipients to travel to visit conferences, major exhibitions, and biennials, and to connect with professionals in the field whose expertise can help them develop their practice. Grantee artists in this cycle are: Alex Adams, Louisville; Becky Alley, Lexington; Leticia R. […]
August 4, 2016

Artist Professional Development Grant Awards, August 2016

Great Meadows Foundation is pleased to announce the award of 19 grants to artists in the Kentucky region through the inaugural cycle of the Artists Professional Development Grants program. Supporting artists from across the state, the grants will enable recipients to travel to visit conferences, major exhibitions, art fairs and biennials, and to connect with professionals in the field whose expertise can help them develop their practice. Grantee artists in this inaugural cycle are: Kayla […]